Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where u been at nigga?

Omg I have truly abused the term " taking a break ". Its been soo long, and I have madd people asking me why I havent been blogging. Do you want to know the truth? I been way to busy for my own good. So much to do so little time. Been to New York and Miami in the last month. Everything is changing in my life little by little. Experiencing love, working and a shyt load of school work. If your close enough to me you would know that I am changing schools in the fall and I will be attending Clark Atlanta University. Yep big change, and I am excited to experience it. It cheaper and it'll a wise that I take advantage of it. Work is fine. H & M is pretty cool.
Pretty laid back atmosphere. No drama, and I can really get used to that. Working my ass off, and im proud of it. New York was fun, meet alot of interesting people, and had a good time with the family. Ugh. Wish I would've stayed longer. I took in every second like it was my last. My cuzin Rachel is the best. That's my bitxh, and now she has the official title of fav. cuzin/ new sister. She is sooo down to earth and real. When I was younger I never realized how much of a real nigga she was. She is a teacher but doesn't live the boring lifestyle of one. She truly uses her resources and enjoys life to the fullest. Ill definitely miss her the most. We are so alike is so many ways it not even funny. My cuz Alime is cool too. I guess that why we are related... We some cool ass mah fuckas... But anyWHO! Personal life? That's cool too... Went to Miami about two weekends ago. My grandmother passed, and I Could honestly say that it wasnt really a pleasant trip home. Love life? Same ol, Same ol. And I really dont mind. I love how it is, and im sure he does to. Going on 8 months since we been kickin it. Friends? Leon... GONE! RHyane.... GONE! Kro... METRO! Chas... CONYERS! Des... EVERYWHERE! Meme...WITH HER NU BOO. Ashley... WITH GODFREY! NIcky (my bitxh)... WITH KALEEM SOMEWHERE! ugh... DEEN... ATL/H & M/Loving CIRE./746/CAMMY/Betsy Johnson. And the list goes on... For the summer ill been in the A. Working and getting my life together. lol. So I know everybody asking wtf i been doing and where i been at. I been busy nigga! lol. Real shyt... So I still have blogging in my bones, n I love SweetF.
-MissDeenSha Hen.