Friday, January 18, 2008

Tired of you being the center on my thoughts, when im nerver in yours!

Jloisous performing live at Tootsies....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sleeping with the Enemy.....

Could it be any crazier?
Doesn't give a fuxk about me, doesn't care if I'm living or not.
Sat right next to me, didn't even shyt on me.
So preoccupied with his technology.
Yep, his tech always meant more.
Shyt everything always meant more.
But denial is a bitxh!
Hiding these emotions from everybody including myself.
Damn, played the fool, again.
Alot of people are upset at me, they just cant understand what he's doing that I cant get somewhere else.
Feeling like this has gone way to far.
He the kemo, and cancer in my life.
So yep, I admit it....
You made you happy, but you stop caring.
Stop giving a damn.
Txt, call?
Hell Naw....that was pulling teeth!
Too much pride to show affection.
Bringing me down.
Deserve so much more.
Games is all you know, and you played them very well I could say.
It's really only entertainment to you.
Just another bitxh, another hoe to you.
Another ass hole to believe all of you bull shyt.
Soo Sweet but so venerable to you.
You detected it, and took advantage.
So i slept with the Enemy.
Night after night.
Day after day.
Hurt many of my friends with my stupidity.
They know you don't give a damn.
Your never affected.
Could it get worse?
I think not!
So I want to apologize to all the people that I hurt in the process.
Dont want to lose the little bit of people that actually give a fuxk about somebody other than themselves.
And so much more....
So why I'm I tripping on you?
Why did I let you get the best of me?
But ima give you the ignorant shyt you need.
I guess that what I get for sleeping with the enemy.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

American Idol is back on!!
Pure comedy.
Filicity: Quality or state of being happy
Filicitated: Free of all bull shyt
Lumi: Luminous; bright and spontaneous
Sweet: DeenSha Hen.
Profession Manequin: Creative Team (future)
Uthentic Ethnicity/ShaDeen Rachel: Future Household names
Black Label: never forgotten (future)
Missing him.
Riding the train looking out the window.
Looking at all of Gods blessings.
Im thinking....Why am I getting all sad?
God gives me the opportunity to breath everyday, and all I could think about is if he is thinking about me.
Everyday I wake up I get the feeling like God is walking with me.
Like my angel is walking me holding my hand.
Whispering in my hear that everything is going to be ok.
Giving me favor everywhere I go.
So why be sad?
Why not trust God?
And realize that I'm a beautiful being.
Why trip about the little things?
Why not thank God for all the big things that he does?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Keeping it real!
Reading my horoscope this morning really helped me to be at peace with my decision.
I'm ok now.
Couldn't sleep last night.
I thought about our situation and I just feel like I let myself go.
Trust me I don't like feeling like this. If I could stop feeling like this I would.
Ever felt you could just run away with all of your feelings and emotions.
Away to a place where you could be free with your thoughts.
It's hard to do that when you see the person all the time.
I realize I need to eliminate all of those feelings out of my system.
Don't really want to do that, but its only best.
Ever felt like you were the only person that understood you?
Kinda like every time you opened up your mouth, you were being judged, or you would be the only person who actually felt what you were saying.
Feeling like whenever you say something people might either look at you like your crazy, say that your ignorant, or just say that your just so damn gullible.
So to eliminate all of that you just stop saying how you really feel....
It works out temporarily.
Until the person realizes that you aren't telling them everything.....
Ever want to tell somebody everything?
Just to let it all go! Get it out of your system, and be completely expressive!
Tried it....they thought you were crazy.
Ever tried writing down how you felt? That worked out temporarily....until they didn't like what you wrote down.
So what should the Sweetest Girl do?
Say fuxk it and let him have his way, and move on. Say who cares and not be ashamed of your feelings for him, or continue business as usual....
Moving on......
Honestly I been living with myself for 19 years now.
I know that I'm a little quirky, freaky, motherly, some might even say ditsy.
But that's me!
And ill be damn if i can help it!
Every felt like nobody could ever love or except you the way you are.
Especially when you know that you have nothing but love for him.
Nothing but kindness in your heart.
Wouldnt hurt a fly.
But seems like everybody wants to hurts you.
The sweetest girl is misunderstood.
Karma is real.
Destiny is real.
And I know God is workig in my favor.
I get me!
And I know its difficult for somebody to understand who you are and appreciate you.
But im going to give myself a little advice.....
OVERSTANDING is a great gift....knowing who you are and sticking to it.
Faithful, Favored. Sensitive Young Black Woman.

:::Sweetest Girl:::

A little Inspiration

I keep moving foward.
Opening New doors and doing new things.
Because I am curious and curiosity keep leading me down new paths.
-Walt Disney


Soo I know I havent came thru in a while....but im here now.
I have alot to talk about. The Sweetest Girl been doing alot of thinking and sometimes that hurts me more than it helps. But I cant help how I feel. I just need to understand exsactly whats going on. Its not as simple as it looks. God has a plan for me, and he is working all out for me. So im going to have to practice what I preach and have faith. I cant force it, and I KNOW he isnt going to force it. Soo time will have to tell.