Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fuxk Love, aye.

I hear madd people say fuxk love. As much as I have been hurt I don’t think that I will ever give up on love. Everybody who says fuxk love is just scared. Scared of rejection, and the truth. I see a lot of people get hurt, but I see just as much people in love. I’ve been in love for a long time, and I cried just as much as I laughed. It’s a good feeling to love, but of course it feels even better when somebody loves you back. The way that I see it is, what do you have to loose? I just don’t understand why people are so afraid to settle down. Its not as if when you settle down your actually going to be “settling”. I think that I might have figured out love, or just a little part of it. I believe that love has something to do with maturity, we just have to get to a point we just say that we had enough. It’s a form of surrendering or basically giving up your heart. When we say “Bae your heart is mines” well its true. It’s unfortunate sometimes because sometimes because when you give some nigga’s your heart you might actually be putting your life on the line. Yes, I know it’s a sad way to look at it. I’ve been thru hell and high waters all in the name of “love”. “Awww” all the bitxhes say, but “its cool” is what I say. I keep forgetting that I have things to do, and love isn’t supposed to be on the list. Anywho…. When somebody say, “you ever been in love” I say been there, done that. Some of the sad bitxhes say “yea fuxk love”, I say “Nope, I FUXK the one that I love, but never fuxk love” What would life be without it? We would be a bunch of lonely, deranged people. Love makes the world go around. Well at least for the people that knows how to love. My babe asked me would I rather be loved or feared. I responded that I want to be loved. But why would I want to be feared? I don’t get anything out of having people afraid of me. He say he wants to be loved and be feared, but to me that impossible. Then he asks what you get out of being loved, regardless if people love you or not they are still going to hurt you. I didn’t know how to respond, but I thought about it, I would be happy. I would get piece of mind to know that I am doing right on my part. What wrong with a little filicitation? All I know is that I want to be loved and respected. So don’t fuxk love, fuxk that nigga who ruined it for you.

Larer Daze