Sunday, December 23, 2007

They say were not supposed to say our political views but fuxk that! What they gon do to me, shoot me? Anywho….I lyke Obama, but is the nation really ready for a nigga to be the president of the United States? My babes said that he wouldn’t mind seeing Obama in office but he just doesn’t want to see the man get fuxked up. Sometimes I forget that the KKK still exists. :Sigh: I just wish that one of these days we will be able to say that we has a nigga in charge of the United States. I guess it doesn’t hurt to dream, right. I also wouldn’t mind having a woman being president. But honestly I don’t think it’ll be any different having Hilary in office. The only difference is that she bleeds for 5 days, and probably gets her hair done. I think im going to go with Obama. Even though I consider Hilary a sistah, I want to see to a nigga working in the biggest position in the U.S. Even if its for a day or two. It doesn’t hurt to try right? Well it might is this case......

Later Daze